The Benefits of Digital Signage - Al Rizq Advertising

The Benefits of Digital Signage


The Benefits of Digital Signage

Digital signage has dramatically changed how messages and advertisements are seen and heard. We are seeing less and less static, out of date posters which are gradually being replaced by changeable and even interactive electronic displays.

There are many benefits of Digital Signage Companies in Dubai but here are just a few to help you see how it could help your business.

1. Saves money

The initial cost of the equipment required is substantially more than a print advertisement, however, it is very easy to calculate how soon you will generate and ROI by simply adding up how many print advertisements you would normally produce over a three to five year period. Compare your print costs over the period the cost of the equipment and you’re likely to be pleasantly surprised.

2. Easy to manage

Whether you’re updating one or multiple screens digital signage offers the simplicity to update screens in your own building or screens on the other side of the world. Large retails outlets find managing all their digital signage from one central location much more efficient. Having the ability to schedule message enables businesses of all types to target a vast array of audiences.

3. Environmentally friendly

Reducing print and paper costs makes digital signage much more environmentally friendly. The regular waste produced from old posters and fixed signage was one of the contributing factors behind moving away from traditional forms of signage and point-of-sale.

4. Show more than just static images

Static posters can still be effective, but digital signage allows video, audio, live news feeds and static images to all be displayed concurrently. Showing video and dynamic content increases customer engagement leading to more measurable and successful advertisement campaigns.

5. Increases sales

Research shows digital signage increases sales, particularly in supermarkets and retail stores. Attracting the attention of customers at the right time can be done so much more effectively using digital signage. Showcasing whatever products or services you wish at a click of a button are a great way to drive business.